Grandparents Day
Friday, September 6 | 2:39pm
On Grandparents Day, we at the Children's Center want to take time to show our appreciation to some of our children's greatest cheerleaders. We invite our Grandparents to participate in their grandchild's classroom on that afternoon. The children perform songs, present crafts that they have made or just show off their grandparent to their friends while enjoying a light snack with them.

Christmas Program
Thursday, December 12 | 5:30pm
At our Christmas program, our 2 yr olds through our 4 yr olds perform Christmas songs, share Bible verses and recite poems for family and friends. This is a wonderful time of fun and fellowship for both the children and their families.

Pre-K Graduation
Thursday, May 14 | 5:30 pm
PreK graduation is a special time when these rising kindergarteners have an opportunity to share with family and friend the wonderful things that they have learned and participated in over the past year. We celebrate this event with these graduates by giving them medallions, certificates and special words of blessings for their future.

Holiday Parties/Dress Up Days
We take time during points of the year to celebrate special days with our children by having class parties or dress-up days. We have our Fall Festival, Christmas party, Valentine's Day party and Easter Egg Hunt. We enjoy special days when we dress up during Colors Week and Dr. Seuss Week. We have presentations during our Community Helpers days when our local firefighters with Sparky stop by and parents or family members who are police officers, dentists, etc. speak to our classes.
Special Speakers
Throughout our school year we have select clubs from our Academy visit our classrooms to have special interactive reading times with our children. We have the privilege of our Tennessee Aquarium and Chattanooga Zoo visiting our center with " unique" characters and "friends". The children have a wonderful time seeing these animals while learning so much about them.